Rogers Park Business Alliance (RPBA) is seeking proposals from event organizers to produce, manage and operate the 2025 Chalk Howard Street Festival.

This event is one of several initiatives intended to support Howard Street businesses and honor the diversity and entrepreneurial spirit of the Howard Street corridor. The Howard Street Special Service Area #19 (SSA #19) will review proposals and choose a company based on their history and application submitted.

Proposals must be received via email or postmarked no later than Friday, February 14, 2025. Proposals received after this date will not be accepted. Preference will be given to Rogers Park Business Alliance members. Membership information is available here.

Chalk Howard Street Event RFP

Proposals must be emailed to Cindy Plante, by February 14th.

All inquiries relating to this RFP should be directed to:
Cindy Plante
Economic Development Manager
