Seasons of Time

Katherine Ross, Karen Zissis

Participatory Budgeting Murals

7326 N. Greenview Ave. (East Wall – SE corner)

Seasons of Time is a reflection on the history of the Rogers Park neighborhood, which was once a birch forest. The mural gives a sense of looking through the birch trees to vistas showing different scenes from the past and present of Rogers Park. Katherine Ross and Karen Zissis, the two K’s comprising Kinc, are designers with over 30 years of experience in fine art, theatrical design and painting and who specialize in works of art for public, private and commercial spaces. This cross-disciplinary experience and comprehensive knowledge of art forms and techniques allow them to produce imaginative art with emotional depth. Their work prioritizes visual impact and visceral connections with our audience by telling a unique story.

Date Completed:


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Participatory Budgeting
