Alfrescos in Rogers Park
In 2021, RPBA partnered with local businesses and submitted two Alfresco proposals for southbound Glenwood between Lunt and Morse and Jarvis Square. Both proposals were awarded and planning began with the input of local law enforcement, businesses and elected officials.
We saw the Alfresco program as a way to further foster and support the local vitality of the community by creating public space for outdoor dining and community programming where area residents can get to know their neighbors and businesses in the area. The Alfresco program also ensures the successful return of annual events and create new opportunities for area artists and performers and local businesses.
Community Events
Part of Alfresco’s goals is to provide public spaces for community members to organize events and gatherings. To provide clear guidelines, we have created a criteria/resource information sheet and an application form. Everyone in Rogers Park is welcome to apply and host an event in either the Glenwood/Jarvis Square Alfrescos or the Clark People Spot.
Before submitting an application make sure to check our calendar for available dates and read the criteria.
You can find the:
- Glenwood Alfresco calendar here
- Jarvis Square Alfresco calendar here
- Clark People Spot calendar here
- Criteria here
- Alfresco and People Spot application here.
You can learn more about the Alfresco program here and here.
Glenwood Alfresco
Jarvis Square Alfresco
Ready to get started? Let's roll!
Rogers Park Business Alliance
1448 W. Morse Ave.
Chicago, IL 60626
Phone: 773.508.5885
Fax: 773.508.9488