Illinois SBDC at Rogers Park Business Alliance


Illinois Small Business Development Center, rogers-park-business-alliance

The Illinois Small Business Development Center at Rogers Park Business Alliance provides information, confidential business guidance, training and other resources to start-up and existing small businesses.


The Center assists in the development of business and marketing plans, along with improving business ownership skills, financial analysis of businesses, accessing specialized services including export and government marketing and other business management needs.

Services Include:

  • One-on-one business advice and management assistance.
  • Assistance with the development of business plans.
  • Help with accessing market information and the development of marketing plans.
  • Assistance with accessing business financing programs.
  • Assistance with financial analysis and planning.
  • Access to business education and training opportunities.
  • Specialized services in technology, innovation and entrepreneurial development.
We provide existing and emerging businesses in Illinois with the professional business advising, training and information they need to grow and succeed.

BAT Program

In addition, as a result of the CARES Act the SBDC is working to support under-resourced businesses especially impacted by the pandemic through a new program called the Business Accessibility Toolkit (BAT).  Click here to learn more about this program and its key areas of focus.


Throughout the year the Illinois SBDC hosts monthly educational sessions for entrepreneurs and existing business owners at no cost. The topics range from marketing, budgeting, employee retention and more. The webinars are Starting Your Business in Illinois (bimonthly), Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Training (twice a month) and Business Essentials (bimonthly). To view the calendar click here.

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the Illinois Small Business Development Center at the Rogers Park Business Alliance Center Director, Curtis Roeschley at

Director – Illinois SBDC at Rogers Park Business Alliance
Curtis Roeschley

Illinois Small Business Development Center, rogers-park-business-allianceCurtis Roeschley has worked in the small business development field for over 30 years and as a Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Director for more than 20 years. Curt has provided supervisory and administrative services to this small business program that includes training, client advising, and other initiatives provided through the SBDC network. His past experience includes working in SBDC offices in various Chicago neighborhoods, including Uptown on the north side and Woodlawn on the south side with the Jane Addams Hull House Association. Curt also spent over seven years at an SBDC on the west side in the Austin neighborhood while at Bethel New Life/ West Side Forward.

Curt believes that for any entrepreneur to thrive it is critical that they have access to a wide range of business resources to effectively compete, grow, and develop their business ventures. He has an MBA degree from Eastern University in Pennsylvania and an undergraduate degree in Business and Accounting from Bluffton University.

Contact information:
773-508-5885 ext. 9

Illinois Small Business Development Center, rogers-park-business-allianceIllinois Small Business Development Center, rogers-park-business-allianceFunded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Upcoming Events

Mar 27Protege Tu Pequeño Negocio Contra El Fraude
GROW/PROGRESANDO centro de entrenamiento empresarial
7056 N. Clark St.
Mar 27Protect Your Small Business Against Fraud
GROW/PROGRESANDTO entrepreneurial training center
7056 N. Clark St.
Mar 27GROW: The Complete Program
Zoom links will be emailed to participants once they are registered.
Mar 27Protege Tu Pequeño Negocio Contra El Fraude
GROW/PROGRESANDO centro de entrenamiento empresarial
7056 N. Clark St.
Mar 27Protect Your Small Business Against Fraud
GROW/PROGRESANDTO entrepreneurial training center
7056 N. Clark St.
Mar 27GROW: The Complete Program
Zoom links will be emailed to participants once they are registered.



Illinois Small Business Development Center, rogers-park-business-alliance

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Rogers Park Business Alliance
1448 W. Morse Ave.
Chicago, IL 60626
Phone: 773.508.5885
Fax: 773.508.9488

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