About Rogers Park Business Alliance (RPBA)
Strengthening Business, Building Community
Rogers Park Business Alliance (RPBA) is a 501c3 non-profit organization established in 1993. RPBA works in the areas of business, community and economic development. We employ a professional staff and are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors composed of local business owners, residents and other stakeholders.
Rogers Park Business Alliance cultivates and sustains a thriving economic environment in Rogers Park, serving businesses and residents.
An ideal Rogers Park offers diverse businesses, arts, cultural and recreational activities, good schools, safe streets, excellent transportation and sustainable practices for all of its residents and visitors.
What We Do
The RPBA team works tirelessly to develop and implement innovative ways to increase commerce and assist local businesses through a wide variety of programs and initiatives.
- Our entrepreneurial training program, GROW provides visionary entrepreneurs with the resources and tools necessary to create a feasible business plan.
- RPBA administers three Special Service Areas offering commercial corridor revitalization to Howard Street SSA #19, Clark/Morse/Glenwood SSA #24, Devon Avenue SSA #43 and Sheridan Road SSA #54.
- We love public art and believe in its power to tell the story of a community and enhance public spaces. We have conducted yarn bombings and have worked with amazing artists to produce murals and sculptures throughout Rogers Park. You can see the Mile of Murals project here and learn more about public art in Rogers Park here.
- Our Glenwood Sunday Market is an award-winning farmers market, located on Glenwood Avenue between Lunt Avenue and Morse Avenue.
- Live Love Shop Rogers Park is our annual holiday, shop local campaign.
To create a strong community, RPBA produces extraordinary events, including:
- Glenwood Sunday Market (Sundays from June – October)
- Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Ceremony – Best of Rogers Park (June)
- Taco Crawl (July)
- Chalk Howard Street (August)
- Rogers Park Dinner Crawl (September)
- Halloween Trick or Treat on Howard Street (October)
- Small Business Saturday (November)
- B2B Northside Networking (Quarterly lunch meetings)
- Ribbon Cuttings
- Entrepreneurial trainings
- RPBA sponsors many community events, including Glenwood Avenue Arts Fest, Artists of the Wall and more.
Ready to get started? Let's roll!
Rogers Park Business Alliance
1448 W. Morse Ave.
Chicago, IL 60626
Phone: 773.508.5885
Fax: 773.508.9488
Email: info@rpba.org