Title: Inner City Kid Artist: Nicolas Fonté Collection: Address: 1530 W. Howard St. (Side of Building) Description: Artist Nicolas Fonté was born in New York City and raised in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago. With an extensive background in graffiti art that...
Title: Concrete Jungle Artist: Nicolas Fonté Collection: Address: 1530 W. Howard St. (Front of Building) Description: Artist Nicolas Fonté was born in New York City and raised in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago. With an extensive background in graffiti art that...
Title: The Birds Have Landed on Howard Artist: John Airo (Chicago) Collection: Howard Street Special Service Area #19 (SSA #19) Mural Art Initiative Program Address: 7519 W. Howard St. (Hello Howard Garden Fence) Description: John Airo’s favorite aspects of...